Stray hair: wrong application and how to do it right!
The use of Hair Fiber , also known as stray hair, is intended to conceal the loss of hair or bald spots. But serious mistakes can also be made here, which cause exactly the opposite: you can see that help has been given here. It takes a bit of practice, but then you get a really amazing result where nothing really stands out.
Due to the massive spreading only on the affected area, this can then appear much darker than the other areas on the head. The closer you scatter towards the forehead, you have to expect that some hair fibers will also settle on the face during the day.
The Fiber Applicator is ideal for spraying on the stray hairs. This simply has to be screwed onto the can and the hair fibers are pumped to the affected areas. It is important here to keep some distance to the scalp so that it is distributed evenly. Correct fixation should also be observed. Here you can use the FiberHold Spray or a simple hairspray. Important: You should spray from a sufficient distance so that the hair does not stick together and the hairspray is distributed sensibly.
Of course, choosing the right color is also extremely important. Here the Leon Miguel staff will help you around the clock in the online chat, where you simply upload a photo.
Additional tip:
The Hair Line Powder is an additional method of coloring the scalp in the bald areas in order to achieve a much denser and fuller effect. Here the powder is evenly distributed with a small mini pillow.
Before using the stray hair, you can also put hair gel in the hair beforehand, so that the fibers fix even better. A matt hair cream is best. Wax or very wet gel could reduce the effect.
I hope that I was able to help you!
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