Hair loss in actors: Bruce Willis, Jason Statham or Jude Law all suffer from hair loss. But receding hairline and co. also be harmful for actors?
It depends on! In my case, I actually had some difficulties with castings in Germany. At the age of 24, I lost a lot of hair in the front area of my head extremely quickly , within nine months, so that my receding hairline could hardly be hidden. Admittedly, in hindsight, "hiding" those bald spots looked sillier than if I just left it like that.
Hair loss: I looked 10 years older!
Some rejections followed because of my “older” look. Understandable, because the casting agencies invite the actors based on various characteristics : age, appearance or special skills. Now I arrived at the casting well prepared, possibly convinced the caster/production and still got rejected. After asking several times, I found out that I just seemed too “mature”. Great. Invited because I have all these skills only to be rejected because my hair loss makes me look older.
I would say that this experience was one of the main reasons for my hair transplant . Aside from the fact that I've always done a lot with my hair and actually felt more comfortable and better about it.
Mutable: External change
Of course, actors with this experience also assert themselves. Jurgen Vogel , for example. One of the greatest actors of our time has found his trademark and does well in certain roles. For actors who are just starting out, however, it's incredibly important to be adaptable. And this outward change starts with the hair. In Germany, unfortunately, we serve certain drawers very quickly. Very few manage to show how multifaceted they can be. I think there is a huge amount of luck involved here, even getting the opportunity to present this facet.
I really hope that I was able to give you a little insight into my past and thoughts.
Nowadays there are great methods to hide hair loss incredibly well. Opaque and so that no one notices. You can find the best method to conceal hair loss HERE!
Or directly here in the shop: Feel free to take a look around!
Thank you for your time!
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