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Hair transplantation: Stars and starlets with hair loss - These likeable celebrities deal with it openly!

First of all: anyone who thinks that vanity is only reserved for the female sex is seriously mistaken. On the contrary: the prominent men are particularly good at hair transplants. Even those who are better known for athletic achievement than for chasing the latest beauty trends have had a hair transplant or two. National soccer player Benedikt Höwedes, for example, counteracted the increasingly thinning hair with a hair transplant. And he is far from alone in professional football: Legendary coach Jürgen Klopp also had his receding hairline concealed with his own hair back in 2012. Likewise, player Christoph Metzelder is committed to transplantation. Even more often than in the sports industry, hair transplants are found among men in the entertainment industry: film legend Al Pacino or the musician Robbie Williams set a good example and show that active measures against thinning hair - also known as "stray hair" - are nothing, to be ashamed of. Other well-known examples are Elton John, Mel Gibson or heartthrob Kevin Costner. It is often genetically determined hair loss that is counteracted here.
But anyone who thinks that hair thickening is only reserved for those with a correspondingly thick wallet is wrong. With a hair filler like Leon Miguel Hair Fiber, even those on a limited budget can do something about the increasingly dwindling head of hair. Thanks to tiny microfibers that wrap around your own hair, the hair structure is optically thickened in just 30 seconds. So simply do the same as the celebrities - for more attractive self-confidence and a good self-esteem!
Bald or hair thickening? The solution is stray hair!
This helps against dry hair and itchy scalp in winter